AI Workflow Integrator C is an advanced mastercourse designed to elevate your competitiveness as a translator by adopting high-skilled, next-generation workflows. You'll learn the GAIT methodology to harness generative AI for significant translation improvements, gain insights into working with CAT tools like memoQ, and receive practical tips for file preparation and handling translation challenges effectively.
CotranslatorAI was included in the 2024 Slator Language AI 50 Under 50 - the list of AI startups in the localization industry.
CotranslatorAI is a product of Korean Consulting & Translation Service, Inc. (2028 E. Ben White Blvd. #240-4808, Austin, TX 78741 USA).
Phone (US; voicemail only): +1 972-255-4808
Email: support@cotranslatorai.com